RIFT, from developer Trion Worlds, is quickly approaching its March 1 release date, and with the game now in open beta, things are starting to look better than ever for the gorgeous massively multiplayer online role-playing game. If you still aren't familiar with RIFT, check out the preview we did last month where we took a look at the first 20 levels of gameplay. This time around, we got to sit down with RIFT producer Adam Gershowitz as he showed us various aspects of end game raiding.
Rift Gold
End game raiding in RIFT comes in both 10 and 20-man flavors, both offering different things. Ten-man exterior raiding can be described as "on-demand Rifting," where a group gathers supplies to form a Raid Rift Lure out in the open world. The way it works is both public and personal. A group opens the Rift tear, and fights the subsequent stages, sub-bosses, and bosses with their group.
rift gold