Bizarre Japanese drama adventure game, Catherine, has sold 200,000 copies in its first week on sale in US. Atlus confirmed the news with a picture of a Catherine-themed cake with the message: Congratulations: 200,ダークブラッド RMT,000 sold in the first week",ドラクエ10 RMT.The firm has since replied to request for more info saying, "We don't comment on numbers. We just eat cake". Fair enough. The firm's VP of sales and marketing, Tim Pivnicny,ro RMT, did however tell IGN yesterday, "Catherine has exceeded our highest expectations.""Catherine can boast the largest launch in the 20-year history of Atlus, and continues to see strong sales at retail," he added.The game launch in US on July 26 on PS3 and Xbox. After a long wait for UK gamers, Deep Silver has signed a deal to publish it here later this year.Can we haz cake? Mike Jackson