We asked for them and readers complied.
AOL and AOL Health readers were asked to submit their biggest questions and concerns regarding health-care reform. Rift GoldAOL Health Vice President Marjorie Martin is presenting the Top 3 of those questions to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (pictured left) today during a roundtable discussion that will be livestreamed here from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.
Sebelius is holding the discussion as an extension of President Obama's State of the Union address.RIFT Platinum Obama promised to work with a bi-partisan Congress and the people of America to correct the flaws in the health-care reform bill passed last March.
The controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has raised concern across the aisle and last week the Republican-held House of Representatives voted to overturn the bill.
But before the politicians can hold anymore votes, Sebelius is giving the people a chance to speak up.
Thousands of people wrote to us, and the common thread between all the questions seemed to be confusion,rift gold frustration and unhappiness with the new bill.
Here are the top 10 questions asked:
•Why are Congress and the President allowed to pass a Health Care Bill that doesn't cover them? Why are there two standards? Christina, Florida
•Is it true that there is a provision in the health-care bill that starting in 2010, there will be a 3.8 percent sales tax on all real estate sales to help pay for the new bill costs? Wayne, Virginia
•Why can't the United States cover all its citizens right now instead of waiting until 2014? Marie,RIFT Platinum New Hampshire
•Why aren't health-care options available across state lines to open competitive pricing? Paul, Florida
•When will senior citizens that are covered under health-care plans such as ... Medicare be covered for dental? Stan, Texas
•What specific savings plans, proposals, etc. have been implemented as of now related to decreasing fraud and the like in Medicare, Medicaid and other parts of the health-care system? Walt, Colorado
•How can we be sure that we will not be footing the bills for illegal immigrants, who generally fall into the category of low or no income? Pauline, California
•I would like to know some steps that will be taken to ensure that there are enough primary care physicians to treat all the people needing medical care. Jan, California
•Why are so many special interest groups -- like unions and large employers exempt from the mandates of the healthcare act?TERA Gold Kathleen, Ohio
•Why has there been such poor communication about the health care bill? How it works? When will it start? What's the cost? How do I get it? Is anyone listening? Mark, Wisconsin
AOL Health will work over the next few days to answer your Top 10 questions. We have included links in some of the questions, which go to reputable third-party sites that can provide some insight in the meantime.